Rural Health on Life Support - Episode Three: Medicaid Unwinding

Season #1

In this third episode in our "Rural Health on Life Support" series, Michelle talks with Joan Alker, Executive Director of the Center for Children and Families (CCF) and Research Professor at Georgetown McCourt School of Public Policy. Joan is a nationally recognized expert on the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) and Medicaid, the lead author of CCF's annual report on children's healthcare coverage trends. She has been published in numerous journals, reports, and blogs, covering a wide range of issues, including Medicaid Section 1115 waivers, child and family health, and the role of Medicaid in Rural areas.  

During this conversation, Joan shares research on Medicaid's vital role in providing health insurance coverage, the single most consequential policy impacting health equity for rural populations. Michelle and Joan also discuss the dangers of proposals to cut Medicaid and its disastrous effects in rural areas for patients and providers.  

Other areas covered include connecting Medicaid expansion to pediatric and maternal outcomes. Finally, they discuss the unwinding (states can terminate Medicaid enrollment for individuals no longer eligible) of Medicaid coverage and the necessary "all-hands-on-deck" efforts to help the nearly six million uninsured people projected by the Congressional budget that will inevitably still need healthcare.